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PHP 5.1 breaks SquirrelMail send function.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:57 pm
by jasonb
I recently installed PHP 5.1 to my server. After that, when sending an email via SquirrelMail 1.4.5, I'd get the following:

ERROR: Bad or malformed request.
Server responded: Missing message to APPEND

The email would actually be sent, despite this, but it wouldn't be stored in the Sent folder.

Some Googling turned up a discussion on the issue, along with the following solution:

In /functions/imap_general.php line 891 change

fputs ($imap_stream, sqimap_session_id() . " APPEND
\"$sent_folder\" (\\Seen) \{$length}\r\n");


fputs ($imap_stream, sqimap_session_id() . " APPEND
\"$sent_folder\" (\\Seen) {" . $length .