Garbled text in RedHat 8.0 man pages.

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Garbled text in RedHat 8.0 man pages.

Post by jasonb »

Default installs of RedHat 8.0 will show some garbled characters when viewing man pages. This is because, for some strange reason, RedHat decided to ship the OS using Unicode (UTF-8) locales which results in character mapping issue for any program (currently, that's almost all of them) that doesn't handle Unicode.

To correct this, locate the file /etc/sysconfig/i18n and make the following change:

Old: LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
New: LANG="en_US"

Maybe somebody should ask the bright bulbs at RedHat what they were thinking when they implemented this - especially given their desire to customize the Gnome/KDE desktop experience to make things easier for everybody...
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