Every situation is different, whether on a personal or an organizational level. The goal of Inferno Enterprises is to determine the different needs of prospective partners and clients and then work towards meeting their expectations.
Our services can be grouped into two broad categories, which should by no means be considered mutually exclusive.
At the more typical level, we are a company in the business of technological consulting. This can range from simple computer upgrades to full implementations of networking/Internet strategies. Alternatively, we also offer our services in a hands-off, advisory capacity.
The other group of services that we offer are of a non-profit, educational nature. It is one of our strongest beliefs that people deserve to be educated, particularly when it comes to the often intimidating and ever-changing technological landscape. As such, we will gladly offer hosting services, within the limits of our resources, for educationally oriented material. We welcome the opportunity to work with like-minded individuals and companies towards the benefit of others.
More specific examples of services that we provide can be, in general, broken down into the "business" and "home" markets, although every situation is different and may encompass aspects from both areas. Such services include, but are not limited to, the following:
Business Clients
Personal/Home Clients
We are based out of Burlington, Ontario, but welcome email from anywhere. If you feel that we could be of help to you on any level please don't hesitate to email us.